Orgosolo Experience with shepherd’s lunch

Difficulty: Easy | Duration: 8.5 hours
An excursion from the discovery of Orgosolo, a village-museum of the Supramonte, renowned for its priceless natural and cultural heritage. Let yourself be amazed by the historic murals, by the limestone heels of its nearby mountains and by a visit to the sheepfold where you can have lunch with the shepherd, in the name of the truest traditions of an ancient land.

Tour in 4×4 between the Baronia and the Orosei mountains

Difficoltà: Facile | Durata: 12 h
Il tour ideale per chi non ha molto tempo, ma non vuole rinunciare a una visita archeologico-naturalistica completa della subregione storica della Baronia di Orosei. Immancabile il bagno finale nelle acque cristalline delle dune di Capo Comino.